Kendall Jones Taking on the Wild...and Social Media

I absolutely love animals. Seriously, I can't kill an insect without feeling bad about it. While many people view snakes as awful creatures, I don't see the need to stab one to death just because you see it somewhere in your yard. I mean, if it's coming at you, that's a different story, but if Mr. Snake is just hanging out trying to survive, ya know..just like YOU are...let him be.

I will admit that I am a crazy cat lady, I adore my two cats children, and I have such respect for the larger members of their species...Although I am disgusted when I watch National Geographic and watch my beloved big cats go after that cute, harmless Gazelle...I digress, It's all apart of the food chain. But I hate seeing it.

My stance on hunting and not being a vegetarian is a sensitive subject, typically I don't bring it up because it is just that, an opinion. I do not think hunting is attractive, I do not think it's a sport, and the nicest way I can put it is I understand people have their "hobbies" if that's what you call it. I personally don't think hiding in a bush, camouflaging yourself and waiting for an unsuspecting animal to creek into your path is a sport, but do what you will. Nothing I say or do will stop that.

Do I eat meat? Yes, unfortunately. I limit what meats I eat and I disconnect myself from what the meat actually is and how it turned into the filet on my plate. I get it- we eat it, I just don't like the idea of the sport.

Which brings me to my point....Kendall Jones, the cheerleader chick all over social media posing with dead lions, leopards, rhinos and other animals from her "in the wild hunts."


I personally was horrified to look through the pictures, to see that someone would willingly take the the life of such great animals for a sport..and worse, smile by the dead bodies and take a picture. Honey, you wouldn't be smiling if they were chasing you and you were weaponless. Totally not fair.

According to an article on, Jones says her murdering hunting efforts are all a part of conservation, and the villages actually benefit from the thousands of dollars she pays to murder hunt these animals.

I'm not going to act oblivious- I know this happens. Since there isn't much I can do, I try to turn a blind eye. My problem with Miss Jones are the pictures she's posting on social media sites. I understand you want to fulfill this hobby of yours, but posting the graphic photos are a bit hard to stomach for me. 

On the contrary, many people signed pledges to have Jones' pictures removed from Facebook- they went all out. There was even a pledge to have her banned from the country she was hunting in. 

Here's Where I'm Divided

I hate the hunting part, as stated earlier...But there's a bigger picture that perplexes me. Facebook may remove the images, but that doesn't stop the act. Kendall will still be murdering hunting, and I'll still be sitting on my couch cringing everytime I turn on National Geographic and watch the beautiful Lioness eat the beautiful Zebra.

So while the pictures may not be on social media for all to see, I think we should all be aware that this is a real thing that happens, no matter how many pledges are signed or death threats she may recieve. She made the unpopular choice to get the quick gain to infamy by posting the pictures on Facebook...And as far as I know now, that's the only thing that has been removed. Just some pictures on Facebook..Until then, she will have a show airing in 2015...

And I, nor my cat Frank or Reese (not pictured) will be watching.

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