According to an article on, a 14-year-old girl was arrested on Monday after tweeting American Airlines that she was part of Al Qaeda and had had plans to "do something big."
The Twitter user @QueenDemetriax_ sent @AmericanAir, "hello my name's Ibrahim and I'm from Afghanistan. I'm part of Al Qaida and on June 1st I'm gonna do something really big bye." The Twitter account has now been deactivated.
Of course, American Airlines took this as a threat and quickly tracked Sarah's IP address and forwarded the information to the FBI. At this point, Sarah realized she was in trouble. Deep trouble.
Sarah also pleaded that she was "just a girl" and it was a joke made by her friend. According to the CNN article, Sarah, a 14-year-old girl from the Netherlands has been charged with "posting a false or alarming announcement," but punishment is not clear at this point. She currently is in questioning.
On the flip side of this, Sarah's Tweet was retweeted hundreds of times, and she gained 20,000 followers before Twitter deactivated her account. In a sense, she has become a "celebrity" due to this alarming incident.
This is an example of how social media can be misused, in one of the worst ways, and cause serious consequences for teenagers or even adults who think what they say has no importance or is just a joke. What you do online and on social media can have many affects further in your life than you may realize at this time, and I think it's something everyone needs to be aware of.